About this blog
This is a journal that will eventually cover the entire creation of my current Lego project: a 14-wide model freightliner argosy. Hopefully it will be interesting.
I started work early this year, I think around May/June. I knew I wanted a cabover, for their high manoverability, tilting cab, lack of curves needed on the hood, and large sleeper. Also this truck comes in many forms and variations, so I have room to customise. Why red? Why not? I can't even imagine it in another color today.
Its amazingly hard to find plans or data about this truck, so I'm just doing it all by eye. They are also extremely rare in america, I can't find a dealer with one for hundreds of miles. So, I just have pictures to go on.
I have a certain number of goals for this truck, most of them to be crammed into the sleeper and cab. They include: two-speed drive (with pneumatic shifting and differential,) full Ackermann steering, tilting cab, air compressor, folding pneumatic steps, pneumatic front grill, headlights, and a functional 5th wheel. Possible? I sure hope so. More static features might include a custom polycarbonate windshield and chrome exhaust pipe(s)!